Use Terraform without install
It is always a problem to have the right tools installed. Right versions often mean the versions specific to a given project or branch. What if you need several at a time?
I like to zero-configuration approach, where one does not change the global state of the machine. And it plays nicely if you have several working machines too!
Here is what I do to use Terraform in bash
, tested on macOS:
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
TERRAFORM_ROOT="$(cd "$DIR" && cd .. && pwd)"
AWS_ROOT="$(cd ~/.aws && pwd)"
docker run \
--rm \
-it \
--dns $(dig +short <YOUR DNS> | tail -1) \
--volume "$AWS_ROOT:/root/.aws:ro" \
--workdir "$(pwd)" \
hashicorp/terraform:${TERRAFORM_VERSION} $*
I code Terraform scripts in IntelliJ IDEA with the amazing plugin done by a friend of mine: Terraform Support plugin .
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