Condition in Terraform and API Gateway

Create an AWS API Gateway resource based on conditions

You may know Terraform, the tool to create infrastructure as a code. I use it for several AWS experiments, I do. It is declarative and uses HCL language to declare resources to create. Let’s see how one can create resources based on a condition.


I wrote scripts to create API Gateway for my project. The API Gateway service is tricky, and in Terraform one uses several resources to make it work.

You start with adding the aws_api_gateway_api resource, which defines the API Gateway itself. Handler paths are represented as a tree structure. The root of the tree matches to the empty path. The root node ID is returned from the root_resource_id output parameter of the aws_api_gateway_api resource.

I use Terraform Modules in my scripts to reduce complexity. Modules are the same as functions in other programming languages. It helps to reuse code and reduce duplicates.

The Need of a Condition

I have a module to define API Gateway handlers. That module accepts a handler path and the root_resource_id parameter. In the module, I have to decide either to create new resource aws_api_gateway_resource, for non-empty path, or to use the base root_resource_id instead, for the empty one.

In a pseudo-code the problem looks as follows:

  if (root_path == "") {
  } else { 
    (resource "aws_api_gateway_resource").id

A Condition Implementation

I head that story from my friend Mikhail Kuzmin several years ago. I have no idea, how I recalled that, but still. He told me something about the count parameter is helpful to implement a condition in Terraform.

Also, I found that in Terraform we have ternary operator expression, aka condition ? foo : bar, which helps me to extract the right resource ID at the end.

The overall condition for a resource did not look trivial. I decided to extract it as a dedicated module from the very beginning. That is what I created:

variable "api_gateway_id" {}
variable "parent_resource_id" {}

variable "path_part" {
  description = "Resource path or empty string to use parent_resource_id"

resource "aws_api_gateway_resource" "handler" {
  parent_id   = "${var.parent_resource_id}"
  rest_api_id = "${var.api_gateway_id}"

  path_part   = "${var.path_part}"

  count       = "${var.path_part == "" ? 0 : 1 }"

output "handler_id" {
  value = "${
    var.path_part == ""
    ? var.parent_resource_id
    : element(concat(aws_api_gateway_resource.handler.*.id, list("")),0)

I do several tricks in that module. The first trick is to set count for aws_api_gateway_resource to zero when I need no resource created. Otherwise, I put count = 1, which is the default.

The second trick is in the hardler_id output parameters. I select either the created ID or the parent_resource_id parameter.

Ternary Expression and Complexity

You may want to ask, why is it so complicated, me too. I started with the more trivial variant of the second condition:

output "handler_id" {
  value = "${
    var.path_part == ""
    ? var.parent_resource_id
    : element(aws_api_gateway_resource.handler.*.id,0)

And then, I found out that Terraform computes both expressions in the ternary expression. It differs from the semantics we got used from C-like languages. And so, I had to have a non-empty list in the second expression. I use the concat to join two lists, and list("") to create a new list with one element. Finally, concat(aws_api_gateway_resource.handler.*.id, list("") does the trick making a list contain at least one element, even if the count was equal to 0.

That is how I found the workable condition expression from the full example above.

Avoiding Ternary Operator

I was speaking with a colleague on that, and realized, the code can be simplified. Instead of the conditional operator, now I join two lists and pick the first element:

output "handler_id" {
  value = "${
    element(concat(aws_api_gateway_resource.handler.*.id, list(root_resource_id)), 0) 

The aws_api_gateway_resource.handler.*.id gives me an empty list if count = 0. That works the same way, but better and shorter. We have only one real condition in the code now.

Recursive Creation

I got yet another crazy idea. What if I wish to support long/path/to/create in my module. What shall I do? The idea was to call the same module recursively for all needed path parts to build the resources tree.

I failed.

There are several problems, I came across. The first one. It is not possible to have a count parameter on Terraform module usage.

I tried to include the same module from itself. It turned out, Terraform does not support such inclusion and starts an infinite resolution in terraform init call.

What if I fix source attribute? It is not possible too. One is not allowed to use a non-constant expression for the source parameter of a module.


I recalled and implemented the common pattern in Terraform to handle a conditional resources creation and applied it for AWS API Gateway resources. It plays well for my project, and I hope it will help you too.

Note. It cost me hours of endless debugging. One needs to call api_gateway_deployment after any change in the API Gateway configuration is done. That is hard to code all dependencies in Terraform correctly for it. It is even harder if you have modules around.

I code Terraform scripts in IntelliJ IDEA with the fantastic plugin done by a friend of mine: Terraform Support plugin

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