Int ptr in Kotlin/Native

Passing int* to C from Kotlin/Native

Today, suddenly, a friend of mine gave me an easy question - how can one pass an int pointer to a C function from Kotlin/Native. To my shame, I did not have the answer. Now I do

The Short Answer

memScoped {
  val q = alloc<IntVar>()
  q.value = 123

The Long Answer

We need several files for the demo project. We will use Gradle Multiplatform Project with Kotlin 1.3.11 and IntelliJ IDEA. Yes, it will be enough to work with (!) Kotlin/Native

C Interop

It’s enough to create only a file.def file with C code inside (after --- line):

int function_from_c(int* x) {
  return *x = *x + 10;

The cinterop tool generates the following Kotlin code interop from it:

fun function_from_c(x: CValuesRef<IntVar>?): Int

Right here we have a question - how to create an object of CValuesRef<IntVar> type?

The Solution

  • Use CPointer<IntVar>, which is subtype of CValuesRef<IntVar>
  • Call the .ptr extension property on the IntVar to get a CPointer<IntVar> instance
  • Create a IntVar instance via the alloc<T> extension function on a NativePlacement instance
  • Get a NativePlacement instance from the memScoped { ... } block receiver
  • Use the .value property on IntVar to get/set Int value

Full code of the main.kt is as follows. Mind the imports from kotlinx.cinterop:

import file.function_from_c
import kotlinx.cinterop.IntVar
import kotlinx.cinterop.alloc
import kotlinx.cinterop.memScoped
import kotlinx.cinterop.ptr
import kotlinx.cinterop.value

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
  memScoped {
    val q: IntVar = alloc<IntVar>()
    q.value = 123
    val z = function_from_c(q.ptr)
    println(z)        // return value, C int 
    println(q.value)  // updated int* from C

Gradle Project Setup

Let’s create a demo project with Gradle for IntelliJ IDEA. You need an empty Gradle project to start. I called gradle init command from console to get it in a new folder (it was Gradle 5.1 in my case). As an alternative, you may create a project with File | New | Project... menu too.

Next, paste the following to the build.gradle:

plugins {
  id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform' version '1.3.11'
kotlin {
  targets {
    /// use presets.mingwX64 for Windows
    /// use presets.linuxX64 for Linux
    fromPreset(presets.macosX64, 'native') {
      compilations.main {
        outputKinds 'executable'
        cinterops {
          myInterop {
            defFile project.file("src/native/file.def")
  sourceSets {
    nativeMain {

Place the main.kt and file.def files into the src/native folder. Now you may open the project in IntelliJ IDEA by pointing it to the build.gradle file (use Java 1.8 in the Gradle Import dialog).

I use Kotlin Multiplatform Project. You may find in the demo sources on my GitHub.

Take a look to the C Interop article for more information on the Kotlin/Native interop with C. An Interop With C tutorials are a good read to see how other types are mapped between C and Kotlin/Native.

Have fun!

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