Security Group for CloudFront

Have you ever tried to set up a Security Group to allow access only from CloudFront IP addresses? One Security Group will not be enough. We’ll see how to use Terraform to solve and to automate this task.

The Application

We have a traditional application on AWS, where a CloudFront distribution handles the incoming traffic. Behind it, we have static pages on S3 and API endpoints behind Application Load Balancer (ALB). I use Terraform to manage production and staging environments.

Let’s say the project is new, and we are not ready to open it to the public. We allow access to the project only from specific IP addresses. WAF helps us to limit access only for specific IP addresses with CloudFront. The last step to set up Security Group for our API endpoint’s ALB to allow connections only from CloudFront IP addresses.

Security Groups

We use Security Groups to limit traffic coming to the ALB by IP addresses. Right now we need to include CloudFront IP addresses to the list.

AWS Security Group has the limit for the number of ingress/egress rules, e.g. IP addresses. You may need to create several security groups to list all addresses, if you have more than 60 (state 2019-02-09). You may guess, that there are more than 60 CloudFront IP addresses.

CloudFront IP Addresses

AWS has the endpoint that lists all IP addresses of their services. Terraform has the command to access the list:

data "aws_ip_ranges" "cloudfront" {
    services = ["cloudfront"]

The only downside — we will need to re-run the deployment to make sure we have the correct configuration to make sure a new IP address may not be included in the settings, and the service may not be accessible for some customers. I have no idea, how frequent the list may change, probably not too frequent. Let’s assume we run the deployment frequent enough. A CI can be used to automate it.

Settings up Security Groups

Let’s create several security groups to overcome the limit.

Terraform has necessary functions for that. Here we use the chunklist function to split the full list of CloudFront IP addresses into a list of lists. We specify the number of elements, e.g. 30 and the function returns us the a list, where every element of it is a list of not more than 30 elements. Let’s use the following code in Terraform to split IP addresses by future security groups:

locals {
    chunks_v4 = ["${chunklist(data.aws_ip_ranges.cloudfront.cidr_blocks, 30)}"]

Creating Security Groups

We need to instruct Terraform to create several Security Groups for us to reach the goal. We use count attribute in Terraform to instruct it to create several resources with one declaration:

resource "aws_security_group" "cloudfront" {
    count = "${length(local.chunks_v4)}"
    ingress {
        from_port = 443
        to_port   = 443
        protocol  = "tcp"
        cidr_blocks = ["${local.chunks_v4[count.index]}"]

    egress {
        from_port = 0
        to_port   = 0
        protocol  = "-1"
        cidr_blocks = [""]

    lifecycle {
        create_before_destroy = true

Terraform creates count resources for us, for every resource, the count.index expression returns the current index (from 0 to count - 1). In the corner case, when count = 0, it does not create resources at all.

We need to create count = length(local.chunks_v4) Security Groups. The local.chunks_v4[count.index] selects the next chunk of CloudFront IP addresses to fill into the next security group.


We found an easy way to configure IP addresses filter for an Application Load Balancer to allow incoming traffic only from CloudFront IP addresses. We made Terraform to create and maintain several Security Groups to overcome the limits.

You may also want to read my previous post on how to implement an If Statement analog in Terraform.

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