A Kotlin Coroutine for an OutputStream Filtering

Kotlin coroutines for OutputStream.

In this post, we consider a low-level implementation for specific coroutines that are used to process streams in a server-side Java application. There is an existing code that writes the output to a given OutputStream object. One may write it in Java as:

interface ExistingService {
  void callExistingCode(OutputStream resultOutput)

We need to intercept the output that is bing written by the #callExistingCode function.


Say the ExistingService replies with an HTML, and the goal is to extract some part of it, say a <div> with a given id. Or an ExistingService may be returning a ZIP archive, and the goal can be to add a file in it.

There are many similar cases, where an OutputStream post processing can be necessary.

Problem Statement

Suppose the ExistingService writes output in the following format:


Where <SIZE> is 4 bytes length message. <CHANNEL-ID> is a one-byte message. <DATA> is a byte sequence of given size.

The such or similar format is widely used to send several streams within one connection. For example, it is used in SSH-2, HTTP/2 or Git.

Out goal is to include additional messages to the stream on the fly, while it is being generated by the call to an ExistingService. We just need to implement the method:

OutputStream weaveStream(OutputStream target);

A Trivial Java Implementation

In Java we have PipedOutputStream/PipedInputStream classes that may turn an OutputStream into an InputStream. Next, the processing can be done easily.

We have a thread, that reads data from an InputStream, e.g.

OutputStream weaveStream(OutputStream target) throws IOException {
  PipedOutputStream pos = new PipeOutputStream();
  PipedInputStream pis = new PipedInputStream(pos);
  runInThread(() -> weaveStream(pis, target));
  return pos;

void weaveStream(InputStream source, OutputStream target) throws IOException {
    while (true) {
      //omitted error processing here
      int size = extractSize(source.read(), source.read(), source.read(), source.read());
      if (isLastBlock(size)) return;

      int ch = extractChannelId(source.read());

      writeHeader(target, size, ch);
      copyBlock(target, size, source);

The cost here is high. We need an additional thread to implement that. Additionally, the whole data is copied to a buffer from which a PipedInputStream is reading. Finally, piped streams implementation uses a level of synchronization to wait for next data portion to arrive. That can be problematic for some loads.

A Smart Java Implementation

One can do a smarter implementation. Directly implement the OutputStream and do the processing and patching the output in there.

What we do here is to add a state to our OutputStream implementation. Each call to write method yields an update of the state.

A State Machine. That is what the code from here is about. It is up to programmer if to have a state explicitly or not. Think about maintainability of such code first.

The implementation here can be quite complex. As an example, I show a byte-by-byte processing. In real cases, it can be way more efficient to implement write(byte[], int, int) method.

OutputStream weaveStream(OutputStream target) throws IOException {
  return new OutputStream() {
    public void write(int b) throws IOException {
      if (isReadingSize()) {
      } else if (isReadingChannelId()) {
      } else if (isProcessingData()) {
      } else {
        throw new IOException("Unexpected state");

The benefit here is that we no longer need an extra thread to pipe the output as input. Sill, code is getting more complex.

A Coroutine State Machine

In Kotlin 1.1 we have coroutines. The alternative way to implement a state machine with the help of compiler, with way more readable, linear-looking code.

First, we need to declare an interface with suspend functions, e.g.

interface DataReader {
  suspend fun read() : Int
  suspend fun pipe(sz : Int, to: OutputStream)

Also, we need an implementation of the OutputStream that allows us to use the DataReader. That is the function inverseRead. We’ll turn back to the implementation a bit later.

fun inverseRead(reader: suspend DataReader.() -> Unit) : OutputStream { ... }

Finally, we are able to implement the data processing:

fun weaveStream(target: OutputStream): OutputStream {
  return inverseRead { reader ->
    readStream(reader, target)

suspend fun readStream(source: DataReader, target: OutputStream) {
  while(true) {
    val sz = extractSize(source.read(), source.read(), source.read(), source.read())

    if (isLastBlock(sz)) return
    val ch = extractChannelId(source.read())

    writeHeader(target, sz, ch)
    source.pipe(sz, target)

Check the code above. It is quite similar to what we had in A Trivial Java Implementation. The difference is huge. Every call to suspend function pauses the execution of a method, so the execution turns to the write method implementation of OutputStream in inverseRead. We are able now to write a linear looking code, that is executed in a piece-by-piece manner.

Implementation of the Coroutine

The only missing part is the inverseRead. We follow the coroutines documentation to implement that. Great is there are many examples too.

We implement DataReader#read and DataReader#pipe functions to suspend execution until there is enough data send to OutputStream#write method. We have the following state object for that:

class DataReaderState {
  var readByteContinuation = null as Continuation<Int>?

  var pipeContinuation = null as Continuation<Unit>?
  var pipeTarget = null as OutputStream?
  var pipeSizeToWrite = 0

Next, we are able to implement the DataReader interface in the following way:

class DataReaderImpl(val state: DataReaderState) : DataReader {
  suspend override fun pipe(sz: Int, to: OutputStream): Unit = suspendCoroutine<Unit> { c ->
    state.pipeContinuation = c
    state.pipeSizeToWrite = sz
    state.pipeTarget = to

  suspend override fun read(): Int = suspendCoroutine { c ->
    state.readByteContinuation = c

All we have here is a call to the specific suspendCoroutine function in Kotlin, which does the suspend. I decided to omit for simplicity a defensive asserts that one may have in both pipe and read function implementation.

The OutputStream implementation in the example is executing next suspended function in a loop. The current implementation does not check the state at the end of data too. The straightforward implementation is as follows:

class DataReaderOutputStreamImpl(val state: DataReaderState) : OutputStream() {
  override fun write(b: Int) = write(byteArrayOf(b.toByte()))

  override tailrec fun write(b: ByteArray, off: Int, len: Int) {
    if (len <= 0) return

    val readOneByte = state.readByteContinuation
    if (readOneByte != null) {
      return write(b, off+1, len-1)

    val pipe = state.pipeContinuation
    if (pipe != null) {
      val toPipe = Math.min(len, state.pipeSizeToWrite)
      state.pipeTarget!!.write(b, off, toPipe)
      return write(b, off+toPipe, len - toPipe)

    throw Error("Illegal state")

At that moment we are ready to implement the inverseRead function.

fun inverseRead(reader: suspend (DataReader) -> Unit) : OutputStream {
  val state = DataReaderState()
  val outputStream = DataReaderOutputStreamImpl(state)
  val dataReader = DataReaderImpl(state)
  val continuation = DataReaderContinuation(state)

  return outputStream

Coroutine vs State Machine

It turned out we still needed to implement a state machine (via DataReaderState class). It was necessary to add a state for each suspend function of DataReader interface. That was the code we need to write as building block (and there are amazing libraries for most of the cases)

The good part is that the rest part of the code, where we do the actual data decoding (the readStream function) now free from an explicit state machine style programming. One can have code written as easy as possible. It’s easier to understand and to check. And, for example, we may use loops, try-catches and any other code constructs we like using for ordinary programs.

In other words, with the help of Kotlin suspend functions we may minimize the number of complex functions and concentrate on the actual development.

For more information on coroutines power in Kotlin, you may refer to GeekOut Talk by Roman Elizarov or to the documentation

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