An ad-hoc bash test runner with TeamCity support
That time I was playing with a tiny Go project. I was doing a console tool to update Consul KV in the required way, with transaction and domain specifics.
Why the tool? Well, I was needed to update several keys from our Ansible deployment
scripts. And transactions were the nice way
to run an atomic update. Secondly, it is better to offload tricky domain specific code to a dedicated
place, which has better tests and build process. The alternative in my case was to
use curl
or similar to run Consul KV transactions with no easy way to test it easily.
By the time I realized it is better to call the tool from a command line to test it does correct changed to the KV. So I was looking for a test runner.
After some research, I decided to use TeamCity Service Messages to report test progress back to the CI.
The idea of tests is as follows. Each test is created as an .sh
file under tests
folder. Exit code is used to tell
a failure from success. That is necessary to be able to run every test and only one test locally while developing.
Finally, I created the following test runner:
set -e -x -u
cd "$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
echo "Running integration tests..."
echo " ${TC}[testSuiteStarted name='integration-tests'] "
for TEST in tests/* ; do
TEST_NAME=$(basename $TEST)
echo " ${TC}[testStarted name='$TEST_NAME' captureStandardOutput='true'] "
./$TEST || {
echo " ${TC}[testFailed name='$TEST_NAME'] "
echo " ${TC}[testFinished name='$TEST_NAME'] "
echo " ${TC}[testSuiteFinished name='integration-tests'] "
By the time, I’m still uncertain, if I need to use this one. Or, maybe I should switch to go test
in the future.
The best feature of the test above is it supported by TeamCity.
Yoy may find the actual version of it on GitHub.
UPD. I have re-evaluated approaches and decided to implement integration tests with go test instead. The main problem was that I need to pass many parameters to my tool to start it in a test. Hard-coding those parameters for every test was not worth it. In Go it was easier to create an assertions API to check Consul KV state too. The API helps to setup necessary KV state too. The whole approach makes it simpler to write tests.
I’m able to run all of my tests from Gogland.
The test assumes Consul is running by checking a particular file under the GOPATH
There is a setup bash script that downloads and starts Consul dev server both for development and continuous integration.
I extended the bash script for that.