IP Whitelist for WAF Rules and Security Groups

Have you ever tried to set up CloudFront WAF rules and Security Groups to allow access only from specific IP addresses? Having the list of these specific IP addresses coded only once. We’ll see how to use Terraform to solve and to automate this task.

The Application

We have a traditional application on AWS, where a CloudFront distribution handles the incoming traffic. Behind it, we have static pages on S3 and API endpoints behind Application Load Balancer (ALB). We use Terraform to manage production and staging environments, v0.11.11 in our case.

The project is new and not yet public. We allow access to the project only from specific IP addresses of developers and offices. We set up IP filtering at both Cloud Front (WAF rules) and Security Groups levels, depending on the AWS entities.

IP Whitelist Module

Terraform Module is the standard way to avoid code duplicates in the infrastructure code. I have the module called ip-whitelist (in the ip-whitelist folder) to hold and export the list of whitelisted IPv4 addresses. It is used everywhere in the code instead to avoid hard-coded IP addresses (which are subject to change).

Let’s create a module that exports all IP addresses for the white list. The following .tf file in ip-whitelist folder makes it:

output "cidr" {
  value = [

Security Groups

There are many entities, that we create in Terraform. There are several places in an infrastructure, where one uses security groups. Let’s follow an easy strategy:

  • create a unique security group per usage
  • do not duplicate code

Both statements of the strategy comes from the programming background. The fewer dependencies between modules one has, the easier it will be to update or refactor the scripts in the future. We tend to extract common parts of our programs to avoid duplicates and improve maintainability of the code.

What is the common part of all of those AWS service? Yes, Security Groups. There are Security Groups in a VPC and without a VPC. In both we’d like to reuse the same IP addresses filter list. Security Groups are easy to create with the module above, for example with the following code The module is easy to call from other places of the project:

module "ip-whitelist" {
  source = "<relative path to module>ip-whitelist"

resource "aws_security_group" "name" {
  ingress {
    from_port = 22
    to_port   = 22
    protocol  = "tcp"
    cidr_blocks = ["${module.ip-whitelist.cidr}"]

Let’s switch to the Cloud Front, where WAF rules are used to implement IP whitelists

Cloud Front WAF Rules

CloudFront distribution uses Web Application Firewall (WAF) to limit the access. The main part of WAF configuration in Terraform uses the aws_waf_ipset resource:

resource "aws_waf_ipset" "ipset" {
  name = "tfIPSet"

  ip_set_descriptors {
    type  = "IPV4"
    value = ""

  ip_set_descriptors {
    type  = "IPV4"
    value = ""

The following few more resources configures Web Application Firewall (WAF) to allow connections only from our whitelisted IP addresses:

resource "aws_waf_rule" "wafrule" {
  depends_on  = ["aws_waf_ipset.ipset"]

  name        = "${local.cf_waf_rule}"
  metric_name = "${local.cf_waf_rule}"

  predicates {
    data_id = "${aws_waf_ipset.ipset.id}"
    negated = false
    type    = "IPMatch"

resource "aws_waf_web_acl" "waf_acl" {
  depends_on  = ["aws_waf_ipset.ipset", "aws_waf_rule.wafrule"]

  name        = "${local.cf_waf_acl}"
  metric_name = "${local.cf_waf_acl}"

  default_action {
    type = "BLOCK"

  rules {
    action {
      type = "ALLOW"
    priority = 1
    rule_id  = "${aws_waf_rule.wafrule.id}"
    type     = "REGULAR"

As we see, ip_set_descriptors parameter has type list, each element of which is a map with two keys: type and value. The format is different from one we use in the ip-whitelist module, Let’s see how we may avoid duplication

List to List of Maps

First idea - let’s convert the existing list of IP addresses into WAF rules in Terraform by turning every entry of cidr list into a map.

Please do not try that way, it does not work, I suppose that the problem in Terraform 0.11.11 does not make it work. As far as I see, Terraform loses the fact a list item was a map. An attempt to implement that may fail with an error like that:

Error: module.staging.aws_waf_ipset.name: "ip_set_descriptors.0.type": required field is not set
Error: module.staging.aws_waf_ipset.name: "ip_set_descriptors.0.value": required field is not set

Map of Lists to List

The second approach it to update the format in my ip-whitelist module. IP addresses are now written in the aws_waf_ipset format, aka as a list of maps. The only missing part - we need the opposite conversion to implement cidr output value: We need to convert that list of maps back to a plain list of CIDR blocks (for Security Groups).

It works! I use the following code:

locals {
  wafs = [
    { type = "IPV4", value = ""},
    { type = "IPV4", value = "" },
    // ...

resource "null_resource" "ipv4" {
  count = "${length(local.wafs)}"

  triggers {
    cidr = "${
    lookup(local.wafs[count.index], "type") == "IPV4"
    ? lookup(local.wafs[count.index], "value")
    : ""

output "cidr" {
  value = ["${compact(null_resource.ipv4.*.triggers.cidr)}"]

output "waf" {
  value = ["${local.wafs}"]

The module exports waf variable with WAF ipset rules, and the cidr variable with IPv4 security groups. IPv6 list can be added similarly. The conversion from list of map to list I do via null_resource and count attribute. The cidr block is only IPv4 elements, we need to filter waf elements.

Let’s take a look at the expression:

 lookup(local.wafs[count.index], "type") == "IPV4"
        ? lookup(local.wafs[count.index], "value")
        : ""

We replace incorrect elements with empty strings. Terraform has the compact function to remove empty strings from a list.

There is no direct loop function in Terraform 0.11.11. The null_resource resource with count attribute works as the loop. The last expression null_resource.ipv4.*.triggers.cidr selects the addresses as a list.


All sources from the post are available on the GitHub repository. You’ll find a live example and templates to use it in your projects easily.

We’ve seen how to create and share the list of IP addresses between different security groups and WAF rules. It helps to avoid duplicates in the deployment code. Should something change in the company infrastructure, we could easily change only one file in the deployments code to replicate it.

Do you use WAF? Check out the previous post to see how to configure a Security Group to allow access only from CloudFront IP addresses. Sometimes, one needs a if statement in Terraform. We discuss the workaround in an older post too.

I code Terraform scripts in IntelliJ IDEA with the fantastic plugin done by a friend of mine: Terraform Support plugin.

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